Fellowship & Service

Coffee Hour

Come to the parish hall every Sunday after the 10 a.m. service for plenty of good food, strong coffee, and lively conversation. Different groups within the church host coffee hour on a rotating monthly schedule. Bringing food to share and helping to serve or clean up are wonderful ways to get involved.


One Saturday evening each month is Bunco Night! Everyone is invited. For the price of $10 and some food to share, you can play the game and maybe even take home the prize money.

Episcopal Church Women

Our ECW chapter is a fun group that meets one Saturday each month for a meeting and lunch out at nearby restaurant. They organize service projects and fundraisers for good causes. They also plan group outings to local events and attractions such as museums, gardens, fairs, and performances.

All women of St. David’s are automatically members of ECW, whether they are active or not, and there are no annual dues or requirements.

Men’s Group

The Men’s Group traditionally holds meetings for fellowship, prayer and Bible Study. They also help with setting the scene for the Live Nativity, grilling the meat for our bi  annual picnics, and setting the pace at our quarterly “Lay Weeders” landscaping days.

Picnics and holiday events

Our biannual parish Picnic in the Pines; our annual Great Easter Egg Hunt, Caribbean Sunday, Christmas Concert, Dinner Dance fundraiser; and our oldest tradition of all—the Live Nativity scene on the corner of Forest Hill Blvd. and Wellington Trace—help us form new friendships and reinforce old ones.

Through these events, we share our faith with the friends and neighbors we invite and with the broader community who drive by our church as we celebrate outdoors or who view our publicity materials online.

Other events include Festive Seasonal Receptions after the Easter Vigil service and the Christmas Concert, and after the Choral Evensong services for Pentecost and All Saints’ Day.

Guild of the Christ Child

During the first weeks after a church family brings home a new baby, Guild members deliver a home-cooked meal and gift card to the home.

Guild members also hand-make a personalized felt banner for each infant or child baptized at St. David’s. The banner is prominently displayed during the baptismal service and is then presented to the family as a keepsake.

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